
Showing posts from December, 2018

14 Heavenly Miracles in 'Samavsharan'

Short description of yet another 14 Atishay created by celestial beings in ' Samavsharan of Arihantas'  is as follows:- Image depicting Samavsharan Exhortation/ Addressing the noble souls through 'Divya Dhwani ' i.e. the divine voice in 'Ardhamagadhi ' language. This Ardhamagadhi is one of the seven forms of Prakrit where Prakrit is one of the most oldest language known in the history of mankind. This 'Divya Dhwani' is a complete healer for all living beings and brings blissfulness and prosperity for those who listen and pay heed to it. All other noble living souls who attend 'Samavsharan' of 'Kevalgyani' leave their birth enemity (Jatigat bair as that of snake and mongoose) and dwell together with utmost friendship.  Trees and Plants blossom altogether with flowers and fruits as if all the weather   conditions prevail at the same time.   The land becomes rich with gemstones.   The sky becomes clear like glass. ...

10 Miracles of "Kevalgyan"

Another 10 Atishay which emerge in and around the 'Arihant Tirthankaras' after they attain Kevalgyan(Omniscience) are as follows:- No drought conditions prevail in the area of 400 Kos equivalent to 100 Yojana where Kevalgyani Arihanta (Omniscient) stand. Kos and Yojana are a measure of distance as metre and Kilometre. The Omniscient gains the capability of 'Sky Travel' (of course! without use of any means of air transport). They don't hurt or disturb any living beings (not even the micro organisms). They don't feed themselves (no intake of food). No kind of problems or disruptions prevail in their surroundings. Their four faces in four directions can be seen i.e. they always seem like facing the one who see them. They possess excellence in each and every skill present in the universe. Their shadow vanishes away. They don't blink their eyes. Their hairs and nails don't grow.

10 Miracles By Birth

Earlier I wrote about the 34 Atishay( Miracles) which happen to  Arihantas . Now coming to  10 among these miracles which are present by birth in Arihantas are:- They don't sweat. They never pee or excrete. The colour of their blood is as white as milk. Their body measurements are equally proportionate when measured through all four angles ( Samchaturastra Sansthan). They have most powerful, steel strong body( Vajramay Sehnan). They are handsome ( Kamdeva). They have a fragrant body. They have exquisite symptoms on their body (like moles, birthmarks). 9.  They are impregnable. 10. They always speak pleasant and righteous words.

Tirthankara's Traits

Maharaj Shrenik was the king of 'Rajgrahi' in Magadh. He was called as 'Mahamandaleshwar' king  because 8000 other kings were ruled over by him and worked under his reign as his allies. He was the firm believer and follower of 'Jainism'. The first exhortation called as 'Samavsharan' of 'Lord Mahavira'( 24th Tirthankara) came in Rajgrahi. Maharaj Shrenik went there with all his family members and people of his land to worship and pray the Lord. In continuance of his invocation to 'Lord Mahavira' he described 46 main characteristics ( Mool Gunas) of 'Arihant Tirthankaras'. Here I have tried to shortly describe those 'Mool Gunas' of 'Arihantas',  presence of which make them 'True Gods'. Also attainment of these 46 characteristics can make any noble living soul achieve 'Enlightment' i.e. 'Moksha' ( A state wherein the soul is liberated from the bonds of life and death). These 46 Characteris...
Hi! I am Shipra. I am new to blogging. Thanks to Google for providing an opportunity to write and express whatever I want to.