Tirthankara's Traits

Maharaj Shrenik was the king of 'Rajgrahi' in Magadh. He was called as 'Mahamandaleshwar' king  because 8000 other kings were ruled over by him and worked under his reign as his allies. He was the firm believer and follower of 'Jainism'. The first exhortation called as 'Samavsharan' of 'Lord Mahavira'( 24th Tirthankara) came in Rajgrahi. Maharaj Shrenik went there with all his family members and people of his land to worship and pray the Lord. In continuance of his invocation to 'Lord Mahavira' he described 46 main characteristics ( Mool Gunas) of 'Arihant Tirthankaras'.
Here I have tried to shortly describe those 'Mool Gunas' of 'Arihantas', presence of which make them 'True Gods'. Also attainment of these 46 characteristics can make any noble living soul achieve 'Enlightment' i.e. 'Moksha' ( A state wherein the soul is liberated from the bonds of life and death).

These 46 Characteristics are:

  1. 34 Atishay (i.e. 34 miracles which happen to Arihantas in different phases of their life)
  2. 8 Pratiharya
  3. 4 Anant Chatushtay ( the infinite foursome)Coming to 34 Atishay---- 10 are present by birth, 10 emerge after attaining 'Kevalgyan' i.e. the holistic and deep knowledge of anything and everything present in universe (omniscience) and yet another 14 are created by heavenly angels and other celestial beings at the time when Tirthankaras address the noble souls in their Samavsharan.


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