10 Miracles of "Kevalgyan"
Another 10 Atishay which emerge in and around the 'Arihant Tirthankaras' after they attain Kevalgyan(Omniscience) are as follows:-
- No drought conditions prevail in the area of 400 Kos equivalent to 100 Yojana where Kevalgyani Arihanta (Omniscient) stand. Kos and Yojana are a measure of distance as metre and Kilometre.
- The Omniscient gains the capability of 'Sky Travel' (of course! without use of any means of air transport).
- They don't hurt or disturb any living beings (not even the micro organisms).
- They don't feed themselves (no intake of food).
- No kind of problems or disruptions prevail in their surroundings.
- Their four faces in four directions can be seen i.e. they always seem like facing the one who see them.
- They possess excellence in each and every skill present in the universe.
- Their shadow vanishes away.
- They don't blink their eyes.
- Their hairs and nails don't grow.
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