10 Miracles of "Kevalgyan"

Another 10 Atishay which emerge in and around the 'Arihant Tirthankaras' after they attain Kevalgyan(Omniscience) are as follows:-

  1. No drought conditions prevail in the area of 400 Kos equivalent to 100 Yojana where Kevalgyani Arihanta (Omniscient) stand. Kos and Yojana are a measure of distance as metre and Kilometre.
  2. The Omniscient gains the capability of 'Sky Travel' (of course! without use of any means of air transport).
  3. They don't hurt or disturb any living beings (not even the micro organisms).
  4. They don't feed themselves (no intake of food).
  5. No kind of problems or disruptions prevail in their surroundings.
  6. Their four faces in four directions can be seen i.e. they always seem like facing the one who see them.
  7. They possess excellence in each and every skill present in the universe.
  8. Their shadow vanishes away.
  9. They don't blink their eyes.
  10. Their hairs and nails don't grow.


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