10 Miracles By Birth

Earlier I wrote about the 34 Atishay( Miracles) which happen to Arihantas. Now coming to 10 among these miracles which are present by birth in Arihantas are:-

  1. They don't sweat.
  2. They never pee or excrete.
  3. The colour of their blood is as white as milk.
  4. Their body measurements are equally proportionate when measured through all four angles ( Samchaturastra Sansthan).
  5. They have most powerful, steel strong body( Vajramay Sehnan).
  6. They are handsome ( Kamdeva).
  7. They have a fragrant body.
  8. They have exquisite symptoms on their body (like moles, birthmarks).
9.  They are impregnable.
10. They always speak pleasant and righteous words.


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