Mainasundari - Part II

From the very beginning, Mainasundari studied grammar because it is what is needed to identify words of any language and improve diction. Thereafter she read, understood and learnt different books and texts.

She learnt poetry and books of pure science pertaining to Six dravya, Seven Tattva (7 
matters i.e Jiv, Ajiv, Asrav, Bandh, Samvar, Nirjara & Moksha),

  Panchastikay (Concept of the evolution of universe and explanation of the element of time), Nav Padarth (i.e. 7 Tattva including paap and punya). 
She gained true knowledge (samyak gyan) of all these super sacred scriptures with full concentration and contemplation.
She became proficient in all sciences and morals. Fully courteous and demure in her personality, she was an able successor of the family. Such was her profound education of non-violence and high moral standards coupled with scientific analysis and reasoning skills which made her extremely sensible and conscious.
Muni Yamdhar bestowed her with a precious and pious Jinvani dharma, taught her right way of living including her duties, rights, laws, conduct and virtues.
Jain Muni Yamdhar
Because of her teacher’s competent and good company, Mainasundari turned out to be a humble, adaptable, conscientious, witty and adorable princess.

Here the importance of a company is to be specifically stated. The company of iniquitous teachers and preachers create inhuman and demons while the company of pure souls and truly knowledgeable beings create righteous humans.


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