Younger daughter of Prajapal
was ‘Mainasundari’. She was a
pure soul, beautiful like a
fairy and well versed in Jain religion. She
used to perform rituals to her deity using eight different ingredients namely-
Jal (water),Chandan (Sandalwood paste), Akshat(Rice), Pushp (flowers shed by
trees or plants on their own and not plucked), Naivaidhya (eatables and sweets
like Puranpoli, Ghevar, Laddo etc.), Deep (Diyas), Dhoop (crushed sandalwood),and
Phal( fruits: both green and dry).
A mixture of all these 7 ingredients becomes
She got training and education from a Jain Muni Yamdhar who gave her knowledge of
peaceful and joyous ‘Jinvani’. Brief
of the Jain ideology which was taught to Mainasundari by Muni Yamdhar has been
written here:
1. Violence, Untruthfulness, Stealing, Characterlessness and
excess procurement of material things are five sins.
2. Abandoning the above five sins is known as observing the
five small fasts by the noble souls. These five fasts are known as ‘Anuvrat’.
a) Ahimsanuvrat →
to give up killings(from microbes to animals and humans) and saving lives.
b) Satyanuvrat →
to forbid speaking untruth words to deceit or inflict atrocity on others.
c) Achauryanuvrat →
to give up stealing things or using anything without asking for it from its owner.
d) Brahmachryanuvrat →
being loyal to one’s spouse.
e) Parigrah pariman anuvrat → setting limits on materialism i.e. procuring property,
wealth, clothes, gold and other gems, eatables, servants etc in a certain limit
and then adhering to those set limits.
Observing these five small fasts are mandatory to fulfill
responsibilities for creation of a happy family (Grihastha dharma).
Moreover, dining in the night shall be relinquished and Ashtamoolguna i.e. eight main
characterstics of being a Jain follower are to be acquired. These Ashtamoolguna
are → to forgo intake of:
Bada (Banyan fruit)
Paakar (Fig)
Kathumar (Kathal)
Umar (Gular)
........... to be continued
Why not figs?